It is heating up out there – For business that is…
Summer is officially upon us, and that can mean a lot of things for some people: Kids are out of school and finding things to do (Good & Bad 😉 )You are heading to the shore to visit or your shore house that your ownYou are heading on vacation somewhereYou are heading to the local pool, or you ownYou are … Continue reading
Psoas Release

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The Pso-Rite is the most innovative and versatile deep tissue massage tool on the planet.
Created to be the shape of a hand with the hardness of the elbow the Pso-Rite has no equal when it comes to interim care between appointments with your favorite practitioner.
Thousands of 5 star reviews can’t be wrong … Continue reading
Some Pointers For When You Build A New Website
So you might read the title of this blog and think that I’m going to discuss a bunch of things that a website should have in this day and age to make it effective.
You would be wrong in thinking that!
Instead I’m going to tell you some things to protect yourself, your company, and your brand.
I’ve been … Continue reading
Core SEO Concepts That Have Stayed Relevant
Hello all, thank you for stopping by. Let’s face it the world of SEO is ever changing, but there are some core factors that have been a relevant part of SEO for a long time. I use the world “RELEVANT” almost as a pun in this situation because really SEO is the art of making a website “RELEVANT” to … Continue reading
New Year’s Resolutions for Business Owners
Well, we are finishing up 2016 and it is time for everyone to start rolling out their New Year’s resolutions to make themselves better. It is a good time to set in stone something that you want to focus on in 2017, but why not do that for your business also?
Aside for normal business goals:
Increase profitExpand to new … Continue reading